Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hungry, Angry and Tired

Yesterday was my first day on the 500 calorie diet while taking the hCG drops. I took 12 drops in the morning at 8:30 and drank a good 32oz. or more of water for breakfast. My mood was pretty drab, I was tired and incredibly irritable. I found myself counting the hours to lunch time. I chewed lots of sugar free gum. it seemed to help for about an hour at a time, then it made me hungry. It was a struggle to make it to lunch at 1pm. For lunch I ate a well seasoned 6oz. piece of chicken and a cup of broccoli. It was delicious, but not filling. I drank more water and battled a bit with my hunger until I took my next dose. At 3pm I took my next dose 15 drops. I did some more reading online and went to this great website, that has a search for different topics. It was a huge relief to know that I wasn't going to feel this way throughout the whole diet. I also read, if I am still hungry I can take up to 60 drops a day. The idea is to slowly move up the dosage or increase the frequency of them until your not hungry.

When I got home, I was frustrated, angry, hungry and tired. I really wanted to quit and felt like crying :-). I took 10 more drops and cooked my dinner, I ate another piece of chicken and some more broccoli with garlic and onion powder. I also had a piece of Sara Lee 45 calorie bread. At this point in the day I had drank over 140 oz. of water. I mixed some crystal light in my water bottle and drank the rest of it. The water really helps with the hunger and to help my stomach feel full. I lied down took a short nap and then took 8 more drops before bed. What a day. It was definitely one of the more difficult days of my life.

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