Friday, May 28, 2010

7lbs. of Motivation

Today I woke up 7lbs. lighter. I have lost all the weight from my two loading days. I'm feeling pretty good. Still a bit irritable I took 10 drops this morning at 9am and have been drinking lots of water. I am about to take my next 10 drops. Today I'm planning to take 10 drops 5x a day every 3 hours or whenever I get hungry. Around 12:30pm my stomach started to rumble so I took my 2nd dose of 10. I ate lunch at 1pm, chicken and broccoli it was very enjoyable, I think my stomach is slowly becoming adjusted to the smaller amount of food i'm putting into it. At 3pm it was time for my 3rd dose of 10 drops. I drank more water, that's 3 litres today. I ate my afternoon snack, a medium sized apple at 5:30 and kept myself busy by chewing gum. I waited for the wife to get home to cook dinner, in the mean time I took 10 more drops. I cooked some garlic and lemon tilipia, with a cup of spinach for my veggies. It was amazing. I got hungry about an hour later and decided to eat some more spinach. drank another liter of water. When i went to bed i weighed 284 on the nose.

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