Friday, May 28, 2010

7lbs. of Motivation

Today I woke up 7lbs. lighter. I have lost all the weight from my two loading days. I'm feeling pretty good. Still a bit irritable I took 10 drops this morning at 9am and have been drinking lots of water. I am about to take my next 10 drops. Today I'm planning to take 10 drops 5x a day every 3 hours or whenever I get hungry. Around 12:30pm my stomach started to rumble so I took my 2nd dose of 10. I ate lunch at 1pm, chicken and broccoli it was very enjoyable, I think my stomach is slowly becoming adjusted to the smaller amount of food i'm putting into it. At 3pm it was time for my 3rd dose of 10 drops. I drank more water, that's 3 litres today. I ate my afternoon snack, a medium sized apple at 5:30 and kept myself busy by chewing gum. I waited for the wife to get home to cook dinner, in the mean time I took 10 more drops. I cooked some garlic and lemon tilipia, with a cup of spinach for my veggies. It was amazing. I got hungry about an hour later and decided to eat some more spinach. drank another liter of water. When i went to bed i weighed 284 on the nose.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hungry, Angry and Tired

Yesterday was my first day on the 500 calorie diet while taking the hCG drops. I took 12 drops in the morning at 8:30 and drank a good 32oz. or more of water for breakfast. My mood was pretty drab, I was tired and incredibly irritable. I found myself counting the hours to lunch time. I chewed lots of sugar free gum. it seemed to help for about an hour at a time, then it made me hungry. It was a struggle to make it to lunch at 1pm. For lunch I ate a well seasoned 6oz. piece of chicken and a cup of broccoli. It was delicious, but not filling. I drank more water and battled a bit with my hunger until I took my next dose. At 3pm I took my next dose 15 drops. I did some more reading online and went to this great website, that has a search for different topics. It was a huge relief to know that I wasn't going to feel this way throughout the whole diet. I also read, if I am still hungry I can take up to 60 drops a day. The idea is to slowly move up the dosage or increase the frequency of them until your not hungry.

When I got home, I was frustrated, angry, hungry and tired. I really wanted to quit and felt like crying :-). I took 10 more drops and cooked my dinner, I ate another piece of chicken and some more broccoli with garlic and onion powder. I also had a piece of Sara Lee 45 calorie bread. At this point in the day I had drank over 140 oz. of water. I mixed some crystal light in my water bottle and drank the rest of it. The water really helps with the hunger and to help my stomach feel full. I lied down took a short nap and then took 8 more drops before bed. What a day. It was definitely one of the more difficult days of my life.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bloated, tired and in desperate need of Tums.

I started this blog in an attempt to gauge my progress on my first ever diet and first attempt at using hCG.

The hCG formula I am using is sub lingual and, it is manufactured by Wasatch Labs in Ogden, Ut. it contains purified water and 20% U.S.P. alcohol.

For the past 5 years I have been slowly gaining weight, this is due to poor eating habits, limited exercise and a prescription medicine called Neurontin I use for treatment of my Bipolar disorder. 5 years ago, I weighed 225 lbs. Yesterday, when I started the drops I weighed. 286 lbs. My goal weight in 30 days while using the hCG diet is 255 lbs.

I started the drops yesterday afternoon, and proceeded with the loading phase. In this phase your are advised to consume as many fatty foods as possible the first two days. It takes the hCG 3 days before it starts to kick in. The loading is supposed to help with hunger pangs and give the hCG time to curb your appetite.

Yesterday was my 4000 calorie day. Ugh. I ate a Triple Baconator from Wendy's and half of another double, fries and Dr. Pepper. Probably the most calories i've ever consumed in one sitting. I estimated it was over 2000 calories. Then I bought a dozen doughnuts and a half gallon of whole milk. I had two huge burritos and could only kill 3 of the dozen doughnuts I had planned on eating. I did manage to drink almost the whole half gallon of milk. When i got on the scale last night, I weighted 293 lbs. a gain of 7lbs.

Today I feel pretty awful. Although I went to bed at a decent hour, but i'm still really tired and have a wicked case of heartburn. I pounded a few more doughnuts before work and took my drops today. I've been told the 3rd day after starting the diet I will loose all the weight I've gained from loading and an additional lb. or 2. let's hope so, because right now I feel horrible, like a stuffed pig waiting to pop.